Search Results - technology+classifications+%3e+environment+%26+energy

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PowerLine Unmanned Surfer (PLUS)
BACKGROUND Demands on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are continually and rapidly evolving, obviating simple modifications to existing platforms, particularly for increasing endurance of systems. The chief constraint on endurance of UAVs is onboard power capacity; the weight and space requirements of energy storage present an anathema to UAV flight...
Published: 4/9/2024   |   Inventor(s): Imraan Faruque, Ujjval Patel
Keywords(s): Energy & Environment, Engineering: Mechanical & Aerospace, Sensors, Software, Unmanned Systems
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Unmanned Systems, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Mechanical & Aerospace Engr, Technology Classifications > Environment & Energy
Integrated Open-Cycle OTEC System for Electric Power, Desalination, and Air Conditioning with Enhanced Energy Storage
BACKGROUND Populations living on islands face difficulties pertaining to producing electrical power, maintaining freshwater supplies, and effectively cooling living and workspaces. Traditional methods employed to address these needs are overwhelmingly energy-intensive, translating to a high economic cost as well as environmental damage in ecosystems...
Published: 4/2/2024   |   Inventor(s): Khaled Sallam, Geir Hareland
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Mechanical & Aerospace Engr, Technology Classifications > Environment & Energy
Multifunctional Acoustic Liner for Broadband Low-Frequency Applications
BACKGROUND Low-frequency (<~400 Hz) airborne noise has several detrimental effects ranging from exciting structural vibration modes (with potentially catastrophic results), reducing passenger comfort and payload integrity on commercial flights, restricting military mission capabilities, to massively contributing to noise pollution. Low-frequency...
Published: 12/18/2023   |   Inventor(s): James Manimala
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Mechanical & Aerospace Engr, Technology Classifications > Environment & Energy, Technology Classifications > Unmanned Systems
Multifunctional nanocomposites based on alignment of graphene nanoplatelets
BACKGROUND Since its isolation in 2004, applications for graphene (atomic-scaled carbon hexagonal lattice) have been highly sought after, particularly due to its lightweight nature, high modulus, strength, and surface area to volume ratio. A promising form is created by employing graphene nanoplatelets in resin and orienting them with an electric field...
Published: 11/28/2023   |   Inventor(s): Raman Singh, Sai Tharun Kotikalapudi
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Material Science & Engr, Technology Classifications > Environment & Energy
Composition and Fabrication Method for APCP Solid Rocket Propellant
BACKGROUND Modern rocketry is at the forefront of high-performance aerospace engineering as demands on these systems generate the need for optimized solutions to meet performance goals. For example, larger unmanned craft often employ a rocket-assisted take off (RATO) to reduce launch footprints and reduce the launch g-load to allow for a wider variety...
Published: 11/28/2023   |   Inventor(s): Kurt Rouser, Daniel Velasco, Caleb Besmer, Zackery Bycko
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Mechanical & Aerospace Engr, Technology Classifications > Unmanned Systems, Technology Classifications > Environment & Energy
Turbine-Driven, Shared-Rotor Generator
BACKGROUND Rapidly evolving unmanned aircraft system (UAS) requirements have necessitated the creation of novel methods to provide power to these craft in increasingly niche environments such as high altitudes or using more available heavy fuels to existing platforms to provide power to these craft, particularly with regards to turbogenerators. However,...
Published: 7/26/2023   |   Inventor(s): Joshua Johnsen, Kurt Rouser
Keywords(s): Energy & Environment, Engineering: Mechanical & Aerospace, Transportation, Unmanned Systems
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Transportation & Automotive, Technology Classifications > Unmanned Systems, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Mechanical & Aerospace Engr, Technology Classifications > Environment & Energy, Technology Classifications > Engineering
Self-Contained Floating Cover and Operating System for ASBR Digesters
BACKGROUND Anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) is a high-rate liquid digestor system that uses a bioconversion process on low-solid, high-strength wastewaters to generate biogas and treat waste. It works in four phases: feeding in of substrate (manure, wastewater, etc.), the reaction between microorganisms and substrate by mixing the contents,...
Published: 7/14/2023   |   Inventor(s): Douglas Hamilton
Keywords(s): Energy & Environment
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Agriculture & Food Science, Technology Classifications > Environment & Energy
Efforts Towards Synthetic Photosynthesis; Visible Light Driven CO2 Valorization
BACKGROUND Carbamate esters, also known as urethanes, are a key functional group in myriad medicinal and agricultural compounds, broadly functioning as hydrolytically and proteolytically stable peptide mimetics. Their end products such as antibiotics, cancer treatments, pesticides, and derived polyurethane materials bear markets valued well over 20...
Published: 5/31/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jimmie Weaver, Tim Schoch
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Chemistry, Technology Classifications > Environment & Energy
A Stochastic 3D Pore-Scale Simulation Method to Predict Permeability of Carbonate Rocks from Pore Size Distribution Data
BACKGROUND Accurately predicting the permeability of rocks is critical for developing and managing fossil fuel and water resources. Traditional approaches to permeability prediction involves using deterministic model equations and petrophysical data such as porosity and pore size distribution, gathered from mercury injection capillary pressure measurements...
Published: 4/27/2023   |   Inventor(s): Javier Vilcaez Perez, Olubukola Ishola
Keywords(s): Energy & Environment, Geology, Software, Software: AI, Neural Network & Learning
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Geology, Technology Classifications > Software, Technology Classifications > Environment & Energy
Zeolite-Coated Mesh for Oil-Water Separation
BACKGROUND Daily water demand and the increasing amount of industrial oily water discharge have become a worldwide problem. The presence of oil in water not only influences the surroundings but also damages the self-cleaning circulation of the ecological system at the time of recycling produced water. In the past few decades, polymeric membranes have...
Published: 5/15/2023   |   Inventor(s): David Lampert, Seokjhin Kim
Keywords(s): Engineering
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Chemical Engr, Technology Classifications > Environment & Energy
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