Search Results - technology+classifications+%3e+geology

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A Stochastic 3D Pore-Scale Simulation Method to Predict Permeability of Carbonate Rocks from Pore Size Distribution Data
BACKGROUND Accurately predicting the permeability of rocks is critical for developing and managing fossil fuel and water resources. Traditional approaches to permeability prediction involves using deterministic model equations and petrophysical data such as porosity and pore size distribution, gathered from mercury injection capillary pressure measurements...
Published: 4/27/2023   |   Inventor(s): Javier Vilcaez Perez, Olubukola Ishola
Keywords(s): Energy & Environment, Geology, Software, Software: AI, Neural Network & Learning
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Geology, Technology Classifications > Software, Technology Classifications > Environment & Energy
Novel solution for "produced water" disposal
­BACKGROUND Water is used to extract oil and gas through hydraulic fracturing. This results in large quantities of Produced Water that needs to be dealt with. Produced water has considerable management costs that could adversely affect the life of the well. Produced water handling practices must also be environmentally sound or the operator could...
Published: 10/19/2022   |   Inventor(s): Pankaj Sarin
Keywords(s): Energy & Environment
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering, Technology Classifications > Environment & Energy, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Chemical Engr, Technology Classifications > Geology
Methods for Generation of Fracture Density Maps from Seismic Data
BACKGROUND Fractures, pre-existing planes of weaknesses in rock units, play a critical role in determining the production potential of reservoirs that are developed through lateral/horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”). Knowledge of fracture orientation and/or extent is key to production in formations. Rock fractures...
Published: 10/19/2022   |   Inventor(s): Robert Holman, Priyank Jaiswal
Keywords(s): Energy & Environment
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Environment & Energy, Technology Classifications > Geology
Removing Phosphorus from Surface and Drainage Waters
BACKGROUND Transport of phosphorus (P) to surface waters is one of the main causes of eutrophication. A significant source of this P is non-point transport from agriculture, horticulture, urban and suburban land through surface runoff. This occurs in the form of particulate P and dissolved P. Particulate P (i.e. P adsorbed onto soil particles) losses...
Published: 7/31/2023   |   Inventor(s): Chad Penn
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Geology, Technology Classifications > Software, Technology Classifications > Chemistry
Methods for Detecting Biofilm In-Situ from Seismic Data
BACKGROUND Formation of biofilms is a predominant way of life for most microorganisms in the environment. Biofilms comprise extracellular polysaccharides (EPS), which is a gel type material playing a vital role in attachment of microbial cells to growth surfaces. Biofilms are quintessential byproducts of hydrocarbon degradation. Thus, their detection...
Published: 10/19/2022   |   Inventor(s): Estella Atekwana, Brooke Briand, Priyank Jaiswal
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Geology
Geospatial Logistics and Agricultural Decision Integration System (GLADIS)
BACKGROUND Eastern Redcedar is an invasive tree that is economically and ecologically damaging to the state of Oklahoma. For this raw material, and others like it, there is limited entrepreneurial interest for the utilization of this natural resource. This is often due to the lack of data regarding the true cost of the processes required for successful...
Published: 10/19/2022   |   Inventor(s): Michael Buser, Charles Craige
Keywords(s): Energy & Environment
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Agriculture & Food Science, Technology Classifications > Software, Technology Classifications > Geology
An Efficient Algorithm to Calculate a Covariance Semblance Coefficient for High Resolution Seismic Velocity Spectra
BACKGROUND The ability to accurately estimate seismic velocity is vital to accurate, common depth point (CDP) processing and seismic interpretation for structural interpretation and even more so for stratigraphic interpretation. Calculating the velocity spectra using the conventional semblance coefficient is still the predominant method even though...
Published: 10/19/2022   |   Inventor(s): Elizabeth Yankovsky, Camelia Knapp, Darrell Terry
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Geology
BACKGROUND Droughts are a recurrent feature of Oklahoma's climate, and agriculture is one of the largest sectors in the state that is affected by drought events. Drought monitoring helps growers and policymakers make necessary arrangements to reduce the impact of drought and provide them with sufficient time to implement the contingency plans duly....
Published: 10/19/2022   |   Inventor(s): Aman Masipeddi, Saleh Taghvaeian, Ali Ajaz
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Agriculture & Food Science, Technology Classifications > Geology
Method for Deriving Minimum-Phase Source-Signature from Multi-Channel Multi-Offset Seismic Data
BACKGROUND A seismic survey is designed to image or map the subsurface of the earth by sending energy generated by a seismic source down into the ground and recording the “echoes” that return from the rock layers below. The source of seismic energy might be, for example, explosions or seismic vibrators on land or air guns in marine environments....
Published: 3/15/2023   |   Inventor(s): Afshin Aghayan, Priyank Jaiswal
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Geology
Method of Removing Oil and Heavy Metals from Petroleum Produced Water Using Microbiological Stimulation Coupled to Dolomite Filtration
BACKGROUND The production of conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources is accompanied by the production of large volumes of produced water (PW). PW contains high concentrations of total dissolved solids (TDS) and oil. TDS of PW includes high concentrations of toxic metals (e.g., Ba, Sr, Cd, Cr, and As). Oil includes dissolved and emulsified...
Published: 10/19/2022   |   Inventor(s): Javier Vilcaez Perez
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Environment & Energy, Technology Classifications > Geology, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Chemical Engr
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