Preparation of Conductive Organic Threads as Non-metallic Interconnects

Case ID:


The preparation of organic conductive threads comprised of highly conjugated polymer/carbon nanotube nanocomposites on a fiber thread like cotton, wool, etc, for electrical interconnects in smart clothing for enhanced reusability and comfort. The organic conductive fiber/thread is unique in that it opens the door for all textile-based devices and sensors that can be knitted into garments due to their improved electrical conductivity, mechanical strength, and preserved features of cotton thread-washable, comfortable, biocompatible and cost effective.


  • Conductive threads are tougher and more pliable than metal wires. They can be sewed into a smart garment, allowing for wearable devices.
  • The low resistivity means that less heat is generated, which allows them to be used for clinical applications such as deep brain stimulation and pacemakers.
  • Highly conductive threads made from common textiles

  • Coated threads are stronger and tougher and highly conductive

Market Application

  • Smart, wearable devices
  • Neurological therapies such as deep brain stimulation
  • Pacemakers
Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
Russell Hopper
Sr. Licensing Associate
Oklahoma State University
Santosh Adhikari
Toby Nelson
Chemistry ?Test_Inteum_TechnologyPublisher_okstate_sorted%5BhierarchicalMenu%5D%5BTechnology%20Classifications.lvl0%5D%5B0%5D=