Zeolite-Coated Mesh for Oil-Water Separation

Case ID:


Daily water demand and the increasing amount of industrial oily water discharge have become a worldwide problem. The presence of oil in water not only influences the surroundings but also damages the self-cleaning circulation of the ecological system at the time of recycling produced water. In the past few decades, polymeric membranes have been emerging, giving a good performance of oil rejection. However, commercially available polymeric membranes are subject to fouling, which can damage the membrane directly, or indirectly through the cleaning chemicals used to reverse the fouling. The polymeric membrane requires strict pre-treatment, including particle removal and removal of oxidants, such as chlorine. Despite the strict pre-treatment requirements, they need to be replaced around every 5-7 years due to damage caused by foulants or the chemicals used for cleanings. Therefore, research on alternative materials, such as inorganic membranes for desalination, is needed to address these material-based limitations.


Researchers at OSU are developing a novel, energy-efficient membrane-based system for treating oil/water systems suitable for reuse. This system is not suitable to overly complex mixtures (like produced water); systems close to 50/50 oil and water have provided positive results. The pore size of inorganic membranes prohibits passage of hydrated ions but enables the passage of water molecules. These inorganic membranes can be developed on a ceramic substrate by a combined dip-coating and secondary hydrothermal growth method. Unlike polymeric membranes, the scale deposited on inorganic zeolites can be removed with simple calcination to restore membrane performance. This novel system would increase oil water treatment capabilities at a lower cost relative to current industry standards. Additionally, municipal water treatment may benefit greatly from this technology.


  • Oil and gas industry
  • Mining operations
  • Ionic separation processes
  • Municipal and water waste treatment process


  • Tailored pore sizes to reduce operating costs, unlike polymeric membranes
  • Inorganic membranes are easier to clean
  • Scale deposits on inorganic zeolites can be removed with simple calcination to restore membrane performance.


  • Proof of concept
Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
Amanda Aker
Licensing Associate
Oklahoma State University
(405) 744-1450
David Lampert
Seokjhin Kim
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