ViLDAR (Visible Light Detection and Ranging): A Novel Speed Estimation System using Visible Light in Vehicles

Case ID:

OSU researchers have developed an advanced method named ViLDAR (Visible Light Detection and Ranging). In this method, the speed of a vehicle is detected using the vehicle’s LED headlight intensity information acquired by a photo-detector (PD) (Figure 1). The experimental results show that ViLDAR method outperforms the traditional RADAR/LiDAR methods (that uses radio frequencies (RF) or laser signals) in speed accuracy for a wide range of incidence angles between vehicle and PD (Figure 2).

Potential Areas of Application

  • - Automotive Industry
  • - Vehicle Ranging
  • - Radar/Lidar manufacturing

Product Description

  • - Speed estimation, detection and ranging using visible light

Main Advantages

  • - Better accuracy
  • - Portable, light-weight
  • - No Transmitter
  • - Power efficient and longer battery lifetime
  • - No health concerns

State of Development

Prototype has been developed.

Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
Jai Hariprasad Rajendran
Commercialization Officer
Oklahoma State University
Hisham Abuella
Sabit Ekin
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