Laser Fabrication of Multi-principal Element Alloy Nanoparticles

Case ID:


In the past decade, the development of multi-principal element alloys (MPEAs), a parent domain of high entropy alloys (HEAs), has created significant interest in the materials community, particularly as structural materials due to their superior mechanical and radiation-resistant properties. MPEAs consist of multiple principal elements in the atomic lattice sites as compared to one principal and other minor alloying elements in conventional alloys. While the research of HEAs has brought several breakthroughs already, it has been largely restricted to the bulk-scale phenomena. The idea of downscaling the bulk HEAs into nanostructures enthralls the scientific community due to the creation of enormous possibilities both in structural and functional applications. However, only three studies1–3 have been reported to date showing the successful fabrication of nanoparticle MPEAs owing to the restrictions in controlling size, shape, atomic structure, and compositions. This presents a unique opportunity to develop new fabrication methods to overcome these challenges and advance the fundamental understanding of associated scientific phenomena.


OSU researchers recently developed new metallic nanoparticles that can replace precious-metal nanoparticles (Pt, Pd) for catalytic applications. In the latest applications of oxygen evolution or hydrogen evolution, the need of right electrocatalyst has been identified as the primary challenge. So far, Pt nanoparticles have been predominantly used for this purpose, however, they are expensive. Recently, we offer a cost-effective solution by fabricating noble-metal-free multimetallic nanoparticles. Termed multi-principal element alloys due to the presence of multiple metals in high concentrations. Our technique utilizes ultrafast laser enabling manufacturing of such multielemental nanoparticles of varied sizes and compositions tailorable to the various energy.

OSU researchers recently conceived the idea, designed and conducted to experiments to innovate a novel route to design a large variety of MPEA nanoarchitectures with a control on size, shape, and compositions. This route is based on the self-organization phenomenon of laser-induced dewetting in ultrathin liquid metal films, where metal thin films break under instability arising to overcome surface tensions in nanosecond laser-induced liquid-metal state. In best of the knowledge, there is no published literature till date following this approach to achieve MPEA nanoparticles. Using this synthesis route, a large library of MPEAs will be fabricated covering a broad parameter-space of size, shape, and composition with unprecedented functionalities. OSU researchers expect that these novel multi-metal nanopatterned architectures of MPEAs have enormous opportunities in functional applications, particularly as cloaking materials, infrared communication devices, insulating coatings, catalysts, and energy materials.


  • Energy storage
  • Bio/chemical sensor manufacturing


  • No current competition with same specs (shape, size, composition, etc.)


  • There is a Working Model for this technology.
Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
Amanda Aker
Licensing Associate
Oklahoma State University
(405) 744-1450
Ritesh Sachan
Keywords: ?Test_Inteum_TechnologyPublisher_okstate_sorted%5BhierarchicalMenu%5D%5BTechnology%20Classifications.lvl0%5D%5B0%5D=